Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ring.. ring... toot toot... toot toot...

A small incident prompts me to post this entry. I found out that there a few ways people do to avoid certain calls. Having an internet access means that i have a phone line at home. But there are hardly anybody who calls this fixed line. Reason being that:

  1. I hardly give anybody this number as we try to confine it to internet usage cos later might be hardly to split the bill (though actually we are not charge to receiving call... i must be out of my mind)

  2. i know that there is only 2 person who rings this phone - my mother and my sister's bf. So i have the liberty of not answering phone calls. Yes, i have the patience of letting it ring and ring and ring and ring.

However, I notice that my sis and housemate also have this habit of letting their handphones ring (not a problem to me cos hardly anyone calls me). And i found that there are a few ways to do so and in a erm.. polite way ;)

  1. Assign a nice melody/song to the certain person
    You know why? Nobody would kacau or bug you to answer the phone if the song is nice or the melody is good and you, yourself wouldn't mind if it rings :) (smart eh)

  2. Use Nokia phone (i'm not advertising nor am i using it)
    But... noted that there is this feature in Nokia phones that when the phone rings, it gives option of "answer" and "silent". The function of this "silent" key is when you press it, it stops ringing but the person on the line actually hears the normal "toot toot... toot toot..." as if waiting for you to pick up the phone... (not bad leh)

  3. Have great patience
    This - be it house phone or handphone. Just let it ring. Don't bother. (I have that cos that day my mother rang the house phone, i didn't that it would be her... i let it ring for rather long but a bit pai seh already cos my housemate at home and dont want to disturb her, then only i picked it up. My mother thought I was already asleep, thus took so long to answer the phone ;)

So, there be it. But do it at your own risk. I'm not teaching you to neglect those phone calls, it's just something i happened to find out. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Went to work today with the famous LRT. Found something rather funny about the ride.

The LRT is supposedly to be fully air conditioned. But it doesn't appear so at times. Whenever there are alot of people riding in the LRT, the air-cond seemed to be off, leaving the rest of us passangers sweating like a pig. Mind you some of us need to go to work in the morning, not the gym! I would think those intending to go gym can just go home after riding the LRT. Free sauna. And save up the gym's monthly fees. ANd if you want a full workout, just take the LRT when it is low peak. It seemed like they will blast the air-cond full blast. You can have a free lesson on "shake a bom bom, shake a bom bom dance". Even the bus have this thing call windows to wind down whenever it is hot or wind up whenever it is cold.

What's more when there are multiple women with different perfumes put on them. And you are standing in between. Turn right - one whiff. Turn left - one whiff. Face front - both whiffs combined! WALAUEY!!! Can faint, straightaway take MC. When you go home from work, during the peak hours, packed like sardines. I think this is even whose than going on a bus. With the temperature rising, you can even hatch an egg. Hmm...I think even the chicks refuse to come out.

Sigh....and to think I'll be riding on the LRT later today.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Mystery of the Missing Socks

I bought 3 pairs of socks end, end of April 2005. Remembered it well as I ran out of socks and since would probably need to walk a lot in my trip to Taiwan, so bought those 3 for RM 10 socks - blue, grey & brown ones.
All 3 socks were brought to Taiwan and exported back to M'sia, safe and sound. But, disappearing act strikes on those socks thereafter. The thing is like this...

1st week after trip - grey color socks disappear
-- I thought that probably my sis wore it and havent wash it...

2nd week after trip
-- we do laundry including a pair of socks,the brown one. Found out that only left 1 side after finish laundry. My sis said she counted it before bringing it up (we use the public washing machine and mind you, washing machine is one of the greatest invention of all time). I am equally sure that i make sure all socks are pegged and wont be blown off by the wind. Anyhow, so left the blue one (cos didnt wash) and 1 side of the brown one. The grey one still nowhere to be seen.

2nd week after trip - a few hours later
-- bought 3 pairs of socks, the blue one complete, the grey one missing and the brown one incomplete. Since only left one pair, so i told my sis and we went digging around the house. Finally found the grey ones in the bathroom. Ok, so now only lost one side of the brown socks

3rd week after trip
-- since found the grey socks already. Put the grey and blue socks to laundry. This time my mother went down with me. Positively sure all 4 socks were in the machine but during collecting time, I only collected 1 side of each socks but my mother said she got took some. Since so many clothes, we didnt really check it but has looked into the washing machine 3 times to check if we left anything behind.

Funnily, when hang the clothes to dry, found out that...
The blue socks - only left one side

I bought 3 pairs of socks, now left with 2 pairs but incomplete blue and brown socks. Perhaps I should mix and match next time - wearing the blue one and the brown one ;)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Clumsy or Accident Prone?

Wonder if the last 2 weeks should be called - the clumsy time. It has proven that somehow i have join the statistic of accident prones and has left me with new scar (not that i dont have any), blue black & bumps. Chronology is as below.

Incident 1:
Venue: In toilet, finish bathing and want to come out already
"Aiyak!" Knock head on door knob. I know i'm short but hello, thats way short. So i dont really get it as to how i manage to knock my head. Ok never mind.

Incident 2:
Venue: At home, walking to room
"Ouch!" Accidentally kicked the wall. Sheesh.. its same day after knock head...

Incident 3:
Venue: Stil at home, on the way out to go to work
"Ouch!" Knuckles hit the side of door. Crap.. its the same morning....

Incident 4:
Venue: Home
*Rub rub shoulder*
Accidentally hit shoulder on wall... Nope, i'm not drunk

Incident 5:
Venue: Outside at Klang with friends
"Ah..." Accidentally kicked my friend's shoe. Toes so painful

Incident 6:
Venue: Home, after heat toast some nuggets
Accidentally touch the very hot plate. Reflex, and pulled hand away.. but has left me with a patch of redness on my hand. Hmm.. yah, this one just 2 days ago, so the scar still there... crap.
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