Monday, July 12, 2004


There i am...
standing at a crossroad
not knowing where it leads
unable to see...
unable to feel..
what lies beyond

rough roads
misleading signs
unpredictable weather
unforeseen circumstances
i do not know

i dare not choose
i dare not reach out

There i am...
still standing still
fear of the unseen
fear of the nothing...

1 comment:

verb said...

Yes, I fear
Course uncharted
Time wasted
Scared of the unknown
Frighted by the uncertainty

Yet, tough choice to be made
Wish someome will do that for me
Need a scapgoat to blame
For any future short coming
Hey, I am human after all

Found no goat by my side
Forced to make this choice
This leap I have to jump
Had drifted long enough
Way long enough

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