Friday, August 13, 2004

The Taboo Word

Actually pen this down a week ago, didnt really have the time to post it then. Do not have the heart to post this blog right now but since already pen it down before hand.. might as well..
though it does not reflect how & what i feel right now.. not even a little, not even at all
Anyway, here it is....

Well, all the whild i've known that the word is rather unpopular. Once you mentioned it, ppl would usually response in a , "Oh, so which company are you in?". those who tried to say sympathy would go, "its okay, as long as you earn money, anything is a job." Closer friends and the more witty ones would jokingly go, "Eh, don't call me so often yah."

i still remember that when i initially started working, i practically have to tell everybody that i dont do the slaes part perhaps not allowed to anyway.
Let me "illustrate: the situation in a clearer picture...

Scenario A:
the other day when i was having dinner with my colleague, an old friend whom she havent seen for a while called her - after telling her friend what industry that she was in, she continued with the defaulted, "dont worry, i'm not selling it." Meanwhile, i just grinne... hehe... she needs to do that too. ;)

Scenario B:
things are further proven yseterday when i went out with my 2 sisters. we were all talking to this person, lets call him A.

A: what nature of business are you all in?
my 2nd sis: construction
A looked impressed & look at my elderest sis

My elderest sis: computer
A: good job opportunities

then A turned to me... er.. well, i was a little hesistate to answer, rather trying to find a more welcoming yet related wrod to describe the nature of business that i am in. NOw both my sisters were looking at me too, probably wondering as to how i'm going to answer.

i looked at A and uttered out a word. He looked at if i spoke of the unspeakable and his eyes turned soft, speaking the common, "its okay, as long as you earn money, anything is a job." ;)

my 2nd sister then told him that i am not involved in any sales aspect but all had passed & i was given the "look". Hehe... perhaps next time, i shall probably answere that i'm in the medical line... well, in a vague, subtle way. ;)

by the way, if you still dont get what was the unspeakable - it is just a plain INSURANCE


Time said...

Hear Hear!
Everyone is making a joke out of insurance companies. Yet, everyone is wanting to have a policy. Funny people isn't it not?
The next time people ask you what are you working as Nite, you tell them that you are in risk management. And when they give you a blur look, you further explain to them that you predict how long will they live from the mere information which you had gather. And even if they then don't understand, you explain that you help people make money.
This will definately blow their mind away. Until then , they will probably ask you which company do you work for...then, only then will you reveal your company's name :p

verb said...

no glam meh,risk management....

Time said...

Hey...thought of another one - Insurance Doctor. :p

nite said...

risk management.. if ppl understand,probably would be glam.. otherwise, lose its "touch" if u need to explain lar.

Little P (oo) said...

aiya nite, i didnt know u were suffering sooo much. I have been through that agony of telling people i am in the insurance industry. NOW, when i tell them my insurance company, i will straight ask them have they bought insurance ...we have this really great offer ....bla bla...
i get a real kick when i see them blanched and then start to stutter!! YEAH it makes my day. and it works everytime when u dont really like that person and u are asking him to back off...hahaha

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