Monday, August 02, 2004


I have frequent a supposely hygiene place but one might think it house more bacterias than you could ever think of more often than any time of my life these days.
Not that i opt for it.. but there are things that you just have to do.
There are things that i didnt foresee i have to do.
There are things that i didnt think would happen... as it seem so little, not tempting enough
But funnily, it still does. I am not too sure what exactly happen.. but to give benefit of the doubt, perhaps it is due to concern, its of greed.
I dont know..
really don't know.


Time said...

What in the world are you talking about?
Are you talking about toilet??

verb said...

Hmm... encrypted wordings....

nite said...

ah.. day, the word i was looking for is nosocomial :)

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