Sunday, September 05, 2004

A written will

A friend sent me this poem. Something in which we need to reflect on the way we should be living and not how should we pass over this world. And it shouldn't in anyway meant to be depressing. :p

If I die tomorrow,
Wear on me loosely a tie,
Bright coloured, not dull,
Fix on my lips, a smile wide, like when I was alive.

Fist my right hand over my heart,
For it was dear to me,
Every memory and sentiment in it,
Let me rest with, and in my right hand may they be

If I die tomorrow,
Clothe me simple, not smart,
For that is how I arrived to this world,
That is how I should depart

In my left hand put a rose,
With snare and thorn,
To remind the world of the life I lived,
Beautiful, yet not short of scorn

If I die tomorrow,
At my funeral, sing a happy song,
Send me away cheerfully,
To God, and to the heavens where I belong

Cry not, and grieve not,
‘Tis no big deal,
And know I’m in a beautiful place,
That this is His will.

If I die tomorrow,
Tell mother I love her, though we never sang the same song
Tell dad he was my hero, he was, all along
Tell my friends they were dear, and I’d have said goodbye,
if I could want,
Not forgetting my enemies; that I forgave them; each and every one

Tell my beloved that I loved her,
I always had, till my last leaf withered
Tell her of the many things circumstance didn’t allow me to say.
Tell her I prayed for her, for God to grant her the best,
Almost every single day

And should I die tomorrow,
Take all my possession, big and small
Divide it whichever way, amongst all
But bury with me my photographs,
Of me and of the ones I loved till the very last
For with those memories I lived, through my brief life – carried me,
And with me I shall bring to dust.

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