Monday, December 20, 2004

The First Wedding

The first wedding. Or it should be the first wedding of my friend that I attended. Was not the first one that I was invited to go. I really had the heart of going, though I accidentally hopped on a plane to somewhere else that weekend. But that is another story. Back to this one. Was having qualms of going but a friend has been very nice, keeping me accompany the whole dinner, even fetched me there.

Well the story started about 2 hours before the wedding? I bought my friend a card, but upon opening it, I was lost for words. I only know the bride, how do I address the husband? To my friend & husband? Or and spouse? Or… I write both names? But isn’t it odd writing down the name and you didn’t even know the person look like? Or from now on I should only attend weddings where I know both parties? Haha… this seems a little absurd. Well, I finally settled into writing both names. Hope it don’t seem odd to them. :þ (I certainly need feedback from this one. )

Then, clothes, I don’t have something proper, my mother even commented that my jeans looked like a rag. But that was the best jeans I have. I am against wearing slacks, er.. its too much like going to work, which I also categorized it as odd. Went through my sister’s drawer, found a shirt to go with my erm-rag-looked-alike-jeans. What the heck. Haha.. I eventually went with a borrowed top and shoes. But hey, the jeans is mine. *grin

The dinner itself is okay, saw a lot of people that I haven’t seen for ages and due to my laziness, did not even send a forwarded sms or email, except to a few. However, my friend’s suggestion went down the drain, there were no eye catchy guys seen. Yes, if you haven’t already guessed, I shall make it very clear. She suggested that I go to the wedding and fish for some smart, rich, good looking guy. Hmm.. should’ve forwarded her the mail which I posted earlier on (referring to – "I found this funny…" post).

Well, all in all, glad I went, though I missed another treat from a friend. However, I have faith that if he has every intention to treat me, he would still do it and not decided not to be nice the next time I see him, which is probably next year.

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