Saturday, May 08, 2004

This morning, i have come to a realisation that the one think that got everyone to be superficial is FEAR.
Sometimes, people are afraid of what others think.
Sometimes, we are afraid of that others think of the friends we make.
But why are we afraid I wonder? Why is that need to please others? Why the need to feel acceptable by others?
Because of this thing fear, everyone puts up a mask. A mask to be deceptive to others. Because of this fear. Everyone is being critical towards others. Why? To feel good about themselves?
Why the need to gossip? Why the need to spread other people's dirty laundry to another? To tell ourselves that yup, the rest of the world is at a worse state than I?
How do you conquer that fear? I guess by knowing the Truth. I guess by realising the Truth that everyone is in the same boat. That everyone needed to know the Truth to set them free...
Making any sense?

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