Thursday, May 20, 2004

What captures your attention?

Today I just found that people are attracted to negative exposures.

Just pick up any papers and you will find headlines stating

'Bridge collapsed and killed millions'
'Murdered in her own apartment after sex'
'So and so voiced out that she is the mistress'

Headlines that caught millions reading, engross with its events. What happen? Where? When?

But I often wonder, what will people react if tomorrow's headlines comes out like this?

'Blind girl manage to secure a job in IBM'
'12 year old boy saves sister from drowning'
'Millions rushing to donate blood for dying child'

Where are all the encouraging news that shouts about humanity, kindness, sincerity, honesty and all that shows that there is still hope for the human race? Why would these news be in the a small corner, where everyone will just missed it?

Shouldn't articles such as these be more important than those that declares "We are all wretched beings, doomed to die and go to hell!"

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