Saturday, October 09, 2004

Licence to Kill

Who would have thought that getting a dog licence could be so tiring. For a mere dog licence! Geesh...

I had my puppy for almost a year now. And people started to tell me that dogs also needed licence. And I thought "Whatever for?" And when my neighbour told my mother if we are not to get Belle a dog licence, she will be put to death if the authorities caught her. My beloved Belle, put to sleep? How could a mean man able to put such a cute doggy to sleep...heartless!

Anyway, better be safe than sorry. I asked around where do I register her. MPPJ they said. And I thought it would be simple. How hard can it be to get a dog licence. Obviously there aren't many people with dogs at any one time. Or so I thought.

Finding a parking place is like finding a needle in a haystack. I would think I will have better luck in finding that needle rather than a parking space. And when I went to the Menara MPPJ, looking for the directory at the reception area, I only found to guards sitting there. Funniest thing was when I asked them which floor do people get their dog licence, they were clueless...'Hello? How long have you been working here?' Anyway, they direct me to the 3rd floor to ask.

When I do, this sulky looking lady was looking at me. The thought of smiling at her just swept past me when I saw her face. How can such a pretty face to scarred by a sulk? Amazing what the upside down curl of your mouth can do to your face. Anyway, went to ask her which floor do I go to. And she went to say 'next to the Civic Hall' That was like 20 minutes away, opposite the road that is congested with angry drivers, crazy cars?

Breathing slowly, counting to 10, I went back to the car and drove there...well, it was my brother who was driving. He had been in the car for more than an hour now. Could see Mr Hyde crepting into him. I guess it happens to most people when you are in the car, nowhere moving and nature desperately screamed!

Finally found the Civic Hall, the MPPJ office. Again have to find parking place. Why does all the people does their things today, this hour?! Crazy. After a couple of round, I guess my brother had finally gone beserk! "I'm going home. This place is crazy!"

I guess, we will have to do this another day, when people aren't so crazy, and when nature call be relieved. :p Meantime, gotta pray that Belle will not be too outstanding for the authority to catch..

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