Monday, October 25, 2004

Moving Day

Hmm... this is kind of like part 2, cos i moved once earlier of the year. Gosh, it's tiring. I don't want to move again, but i guess it never work. I'm being crazy, even moved my mattress over to the next place and leave the TV... apparently to kill boredom the last few nights. So now i'm like sleeping on the floor. The funny thing is that the parquet floor seems cold at night. Darn. Wrong decision. Hahaha...

The new place is great, i have a room to myself, i think i accomplish more when i'm alone. Dont exactly know why. Though it seems a little big for only 3 of us. Still looking for another housemate, hopefully, to cut down the burn in the pocket. But then again, i would not have a room by my own then. Whatever.

Now what? Still left a few things to clear, will finish moving by this weekend. Then... i certainly hope i dont have to endure another moving day this year. My poor back, aching arms, painful shoulders cant take so much in such short duration.

Till then, guess i better study the road directory. I still not quite sure as to how to go to work. *wink*

The previous post on house moving.

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